Other Sports Stephen Played

When Steve decided he wanted to play flag football, I bought him a new one. When I brought it home we couldn't wait to practice throwing and catching. What a surprise it was, when Steve suddenly started crying; the ball was hurting him each time he caught it against his chest.

He could have quit then, but once again that spirit of determination that so defined Steve would rule the day: he went inside and got his coat. With his coat on, the ball could hit against his chest without hurting him. We spent many wonderful days throwing, catching, and kicking, with Steve wearing his coat, even though the weather was still warm.

Within a few months, Steve had filled out enough to where the ball didn't hurt him anymore.
Right after we arrived in Tallahassee in 1994 Steve took Kenpo Karate, an American form of karate that avoids the historical trappings of eastern religions. Later he would play T-ball and flag football. After we moved to Lebanon, Tennessee in 1997 he played basketball. To see other individual and team pictures, click on the small pictures below.
Karate T-Ball Basketball Flag Football