Thirteen Years
In Memory of Stephen Wright
by Barbara Hays
Thirteen years from beginning to end
Four-thousand, seven-hundred, forty-five days
Babyhood, childhood, three months a teen
A life orchestrated by God's hand - though unseen.
"Too short!" say some.
"It's unfair!" shouts another.
"Why their son - only son - why not some other?"
The questions, the tears, the paralyzing sorrow
All understood by our Heavenly Father.
"Be still my soul, and know that He is God."
He is Sovereign - no freak accidents - in control of all our days
He is comfort - close to strengthen - "He is righteous in all His ways."
He is Risen - no more crying - He's prepared a place for me.
Sown in weakness and dishonor
Raised in glory - eternally.
See God's hand, though blurred by tears.
Know Him - understand His might.
Trust Him for alone He's faithful.
"Walk by faith and not by sight."
Trust God's Word - "Stephen's days were numbered."
From earth to heaven within God's sight
His life - not short
His death - not unfair
Thirteen years for Stephen - just right!
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