Mom's Favorite Photos

Mom with Steve (age 4).

Many of our favorite photos are already on the website, but Nan couldn't resist showing you a few more taken by her over the years. You can see them individually by clicking on the thumbnails below, or if you are willing to wait for them to load, you can see them all at once by clicking here.

On the way to the pumpkin patch, Nan clicked this classic pose of Stephen and Ashley. (age 2) You are my sunshine! (age 7)
Picking blueberries (age 2). Stephen loved "betties." Blaze always won the sock war!
"Hmm, this sheep looks pretty comfy!" (age 2) Stephen and his Mom loved a campfire. They became experts at the fine art of campfire making and doodling! (age 9)
Steve (age 6) and kitten. Blaze pulling Steve in a wagon.
Steve (age 6) with a Florida friend. Big smile -- Happy days! (age 11)
Cool dude. (age 11) Steve was always an outdoor boy. (11 months old)